15 Visual Content Marketing Statistics That’ll Blow Your Mind

With over 2 million blog posts published each day, you need to have something that helps your content stand out. Honestly, just writing great content isn’t going to cut it anymore. There’s just too much content out there already for people to read. You need to start creating exceptional and unique content that no other […]

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4 Ways a Knowledge Management System Helps Align Your Strategy

What is essential for running a business effectively? Is it the happiness of employees, its processes, proper investment, marketing, sales, or the profit generated? If we look from a bird’s eye view, each of these creates a chain reaction and carry equal weight. For all businesses, profit and revenue are key targets. But what are the essentials

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Moving from Last Click to Position-Based Attribution Modeling

An Attribution Test “Whodunit” is more than just a popular detective narrative, it is an important question in PPC as well. Attribution seeks to answer that question. So, choosing the right model for your account is important. In this blog, we’ll cover a quick overview of Google’s attribution, what led us to consider testing a

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Amazon Introduces Unified Auto-Scaling for AWS

One of the major reasons why businesses found cloud computing attractive is its scalability. But Amazon Web Services (AWS) just brought this feature to a whole new level by launching a new feature called AWS Auto Scaling, which allows clients to adjust the scaling features of multiple AWS services via a single interface. With cloud computing’s

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10 Google updates you may have missed

Google rarely stands still. In fact, the search giant claims to tweak its search algorithms at least 3 times per day. Some of these updates are bigger than others, and the past month has brought an unprecedented wave of newsworthy enhancements. Just yesterday, for example, the industry was abuzz with the news that Google would

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What does Google’s “Speed Update” mean for mobile?

Yesterday, Google announced a major upcoming change to its mobile ranking algorithm. In a short blog post entitled ‘Using page speed in mobile search ranking’, it explained that starting in July 2018, page speed will officially be a ranking factor for mobile searches. The catchily-named “Speed Update” (a feat of inventive naming on a par

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How Did Google’s Recent Budget Changes Actually Impact Advertisers? [Data]

Last year, every marketer spending budget in AdWords held their breath at the beginning of October. Why? That’s the day Google decided to drop what, upon first glance, appeared to be a bomb: “Starting October 4, 2017, campaigns will be able to spend up to twice the average daily budget to help you reach your

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