Lead Conversion

The Role of Your Website in Guiding the Customer Journey

Today’s customer journey is more complex than ever. From social media to paid search to offline marketing, there are dozens of ways someone can discover your company. The main role of your website in this twisting journey is to be a solid central point. While prospects may discover your brand anywhere, you want to be […]

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How to Put Together An Effective Remarketing Strategy

Remarketing is an incredible marketing tool. Before the days of the internet, if someone came into your store, browsed, even picked up and really considered a product, but then left without purchasing, there was no way to guarantee you’d ever see them again. However, remarketing allows you to reach out to those prospects who are

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Benefits of Marketing Automation for Insurers

Every industry has its own marketing best practices and challenges to overcome, which continue to evolve to keep pace with the digital landscape and customer journey expectations. The insurance industry is no different, as marketers are tasked with appealing to a wide range of demographics – providing valuable content that resonates with prospects and policyholders

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Why Storytelling Can Help Your Business’ Bottom Line

When you’re thinking about how to promote your business, it can be tempting to focus solely on your products and services. After all, when you boil any business down to its most essential element it is about getting consumers to purchase the product or service that’s being offered. But how you reach the end goal

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Why Behavior Scoring is the Missing Ingredient in Your Marketing Approach

With inbound marketing becoming ever more popular in recent years, a marketer might be tempted to think broad when it comes to their approach. After all, when anyone can happen upon your brand, it means that anyone’s a potential customer, right? That’s not quite true. In fact, the number of leads that actually become customers

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Where Marketing Automation Fits Into the Customer Journey

When companies incorporate marketing automation into their approach, they often focus on the middle of the marketing hourglass. They use the automation tool to stay in touch with existing customers or to reach out to prospects who are very near to making their first purchase. However, marketing automation can be used throughout the entirety of

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Why It’s Time to Embrace a Real CRM Tool for Your Business

Using a spreadsheet or index cards to manage your clients may make sense when you’re first starting out: there aren’t that many to keep track of, and the clients you do have don’t have a long history with your business. However, as time goes on, your client list grows, your track record with existing clients

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