SEO vs. PPC. In search marketing, it shouldn’t be an either-or strategy

SEO and PPC are very different, but it’s time to stop thinking about them as polar opposites. Because, although different, they aren’t enemies. They are allies. And they work well together: They complement and benefit each other. Kind of like Yin and Yang, they fit together to make a whole—in this case, well-rounded search marketing.

SEO vs. PPC. In search marketing, it shouldn’t be an either-or strategy Read More »

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Use affiliates to improve PPC reach

Owning more paid search spots on search results can increase your clicks by 30-50 percent for each additional spot that you occupy. To get this type of monster click growth from paid search, tap on your affiliates, partners and resellers to make a paid search land grab. For example, if your CTR (click-through rate) alone

Use affiliates to improve PPC reach Read More »

Choosing The Right PPC Platform For Your Needs

August 8, 2017 The right PPC platforms can make a huge difference for agencies or in-house teams. However, picking one can be overwhelming. You can minimize the burden and confusion by asking your team a few questions. Once you have answers, you can continue your research using the Best PPC Platforms for PPC Management.  

Choosing The Right PPC Platform For Your Needs Read More »

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