business owner

Why Entrepreneurs Need to Stop Advertising How Much They Make

If you’ve spent any time following entrepreneurs online, you’ve probably noticed that many of them share how much they make. It could be as simple as a blog post titled “How I Made $300,000 in One Month” or as complex as a detailed report broken down by revenue streams and expenses. There are a lot […]

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What Amazon’s Marketing Strategy Can Teach SMB Owners

As a small- and medium-sized business owner, you are always looking for ways to reach your ideal customers. There are several strategies that you can apply to market your business, but it is always recommended that you follow industry leaders to understand the marketing strategies that have worked for them, rather than reinvent the wheel.

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The Complete Guide to Google My Business

Companies that are just getting started with local SEO would be hard-pressed to find something more worthwhile than creating and optimizing a Google My Business (GMB) listing. A well-maintained listing can improve your visibility for local search terms and help you effectively present your brand to local customers. When consumers are searching for a local

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5 Ways SMB Business Owners Can Revamp Their Digital Marketing Strategy

The Internet has become the great leveler when it comes to marketing. No matter how large or small your business is, there are a wide variety of ways that you can get a big impact from a well-planned and well-executed digital marketing strategy. You don’t have to be an internationally recognized brand to make your

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Your Business Is About to Fail. What Should You Do?

When I purchased Single Grain back in 2013, it was on the verge of failure. The recent Google Penguin update had practically neutralized the strategies the agency was using. Between that and some bad hiring decisions, it was losing customers left and right. Taking over the agency didn’t magically turn things around. In fact, it

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How to Charge Clients: For Freelancers and Agencies

Congratulations. You’re damn close to closing the deal. Your new client said yes. They freed up some budget for you, you seem like the right man or woman for the job, and they want you to send a proposal. And oh – by the way, can you send over your rates? This is a situation

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Why Joining Multiple Mastermind Groups Will 10X Your Business

We’re going to talk about why you should not just have one mastermind group, but multiple entrepreneur mastermind groups. What Is a Mastermind Group? When I was an ambitious 25-year-old, I spoke with a guy who was growing a successful agency in New York City. Somehow I got a phone call with him on for

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12 Important Facebook Features Every Marketer Needs To Take Advantage Of

Facebook is one of the biggest social media platforms in the world, with 2.27 billion monthly active followers: While it’s not generally easy to get results from the platform, it can deliver fantastic benefits for your brand and business. But to gain more visibility on the platform, you must know Facebook’s most important features in

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10-Step Checklist to Digital Branding for SMBs

Being a small business owner is not easy. As per the Bureau of Labour Statistics, around 50% of small businesses don’t last more than 5 years. The reason behind this is the failure to adapt to new challenges, not understanding consumer demands, improper use of available funding and not investing intelligently in branding and advertising

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