Search Marketing

Laying the foundations of good SEO: the most important tasks (part 1)

Nobody ever said SEO was easy. It not only requires a myriad of different methods that evolve over time and follow no particular pattern, but is also impacted by ever-changing search engine policies. Yet SEO is actually quite methodical. While you will need to mix and combine multiple on-page, off-page, local and other factors to […]

Laying the foundations of good SEO: the most important tasks (part 1) Read More »

How to transfer insights from search to social campaigns

When running paid campaigns on both search and social, it’s imperative to take all learnings from each channel and apply them to the other. This allows you to take an holistic view of your marketing efforts and optimize each channel with insights you wouldn’t get by keeping things in silos. Search is all about capturing

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Eight steps for a bulletproof local search strategy

Appearing in local searches is something businesses need to be taking very seriously. The rise of mobile has made this concept even more prevalent. In fact, a study by Google found that 88% of ‘near me’ searches were conducted on a mobile device. It’s important to realize that ranking on a local search (in any

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Google’s ‘More Results’ button: a search marketer’s POV

I have written extensively about how Google is continually making its SERPs richer, more feature-led, and increasingly intuitive. Of course this is happening on desktop, but how the SERPs are being displayed across mobile devices deserves special attention from marketers. It’s a space that presents its own challenges and opportunities. It is also highly competitive

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SEW Interview: Clark Boyd on visual search

We recently caught up with Clark Boyd, a visual search expert and regular contributor to Search Engine Watch. We discussed camera-based visual search – that futuristic technology that allows you to search the physical world with your smartphone – what it means for the way search is changing, and whether we’re going to see it

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How will GDPR affect PPC marketers in the US?

With the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), search marketers targeting the European Union (EU) have had performance ad capabilities ripped right out from under their feet. Given technical and privacy limitations existing before GDPR, performance marketers may have already felt they were doing their jobs with one hand tied behind their backs.

How will GDPR affect PPC marketers in the US? Read More »

Four ways you can use AI to optimize your AdWords campaigns

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms are mainstreaming in a way that was never before possible, and these changes are having a significant influence on the way in which marketers need to approach search advertising. In addition to AdWords itself incorporating AI into its framework, new opportunities are arising that can give marketers an

Four ways you can use AI to optimize your AdWords campaigns Read More »

The future of search

SEO is one of the most fast-paced industries out there; constantly kept on our toes, it’s one of the reasons we love it so much. But thinking about what the future holds for the industry can be both exciting and a little frightening. Will artificial intelligence (AI) ultimately make search better or worse? Is the

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Ask the #SMXperts series – Advanced audience targeting

The “Ask an #SMXpert” series continues the question-and-answer (Q&A) segment held during sessions at Search Marketing Expo (SMX) West 2018. Today’s Q&A is from the Advanced Audience Targeting & Management Tactics session with Jillian Nagle and Ben Wood and introduction from moderator Brad Geddes. Brad Geddes The rise of audience targeting is the biggest change in paid

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Three factors to consider when building a local presence

Over the past few years, local SEO has become one of the biggest buzzwords in the marketing world. Studies have found that nearly half of all Google searches are local. As more and more businesses recognize that optimizing for these searches is a requirement, the prospect of ranking is becoming very competitive. As you know,

Three factors to consider when building a local presence Read More »

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