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Keeping Up in the Digital Marketing World

A theme has been consistently popping up in my day to day conversations regarding the rapid pace of the digital marketing world.  These discussions have gone on to expand upon how difficult it is to keep up. Today, the Twittersphere was abuzz sharing an ebook titled, “It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work,” published […]

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Ways to Gain Competitor PPC Insights

During a recent dive into an auction insights report for one of my clients, I noticed that one of our top paid search competitors was declining in impression share. Our Search dominance was prevailing and I proudly looked down on the competitor <10%  stat. I was excited to share the news with my client, but

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Building an In-Platform Facebook Funnel

Many advertisers today are looking for ways to create their sales funnels within platforms for several reasons. It helps reduce friction, keeping users within the platform and eliminating issues with conversion-rate optimization and bounce rate once the user lands on a webpage. It also avoids issues with using potentially sensitive customer data to build a

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Using the Facebook Campaign Budget Optimization Tool

A more recent addition to Facebook’s panoply of automation tactics is Budget Optimization. This feature frees advertisers from having to manually set budgets at the ad set level. Instead of setting an arbitrary daily spend for each of your ad sets, this tool optimizes your ad set budgets on an opportunity-by opportunity basis in real-time

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What it Means to Provide Value as a Digital Marketer

Value. It’s a concept that we all understand in theory, and we have all certainly faced this question in our professional lives: “What value do you bring?”. It can be a tricky question to answer, and to even begin to answer it we first must have an understand of this word “value”. This is the

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Amazon Seller Central & Vendor Central Campaign Manager Updates

Amazon is back at it again with more updates to the campaign manager on both the Seller Central advertising platform and Vendor Central AMS platform. These updates are part of Amazon’s continued push to make advertising on Amazon easier for agencies and in-house managers. The updates include tools now available for both vendors and sellers,

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Drift Chatbot Expectations & Marketing Ideas for PPC

A few weeks ago, I got a disturbing message from Google notifying me that thousands of my client’s ads were down due to “Malicious Content.” As any good Account Manager would, I called Google using my stern, don’t-be-passive-aggressive-but-get-results-voice to uncover the issue and figure out what hoops I had to jump through to get the

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The PPC Impact Of The Google Speed Update

July 19, 2018 Google is all about the need, the need for speed. Specifically, your site speed with the latest Google Indexing update launched on July 9th. Called the “Speed Update”, Google has introduced site speed as a ranking factor for mobile web pages on the SERP. Gasp Really, I don’t expect this to come

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Updating Bids and Monitoring Changes with AdWords Scripts

July 19, 2018 AdWords scripts are a great tool for managing bid adjustments. In previous articles, such as Automating Bidding with Google Sheets and AdWords Scripts, we’ve covered different ways to change bids and handle uploads. This article will take those ideas and combine them into your own bidding system! We’ll still keep a high-level

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