featured snippets

How to Control Page 1 of Google, Not Just Rank on Page 1

Ranking #1 for important keywords on Google is a goal for most marketers and business owners, but I think you should go bigger than the top spot alone. Why? Because there’s a lot of real estate on that page besides the first ranking, and you should be taking full advantage of it. Imagine this: You’re […]

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Google featured snippets: A short guide for 2019

When you ask any question in Google or search with any keyword, a special block of information may appear, which is known as a featured snippet. This block will contain an extracted summary of the answer from a webpage, a link to that page, and most of the time, a related image. Google extracts the

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How important are featured snippets and how can you get them?

Featured snippets are one of the main engines of economic growth today, with countless businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs relying upon them to get their message out to prospective clients. Despite the fact that featured snippets are a vital part of contemporary marketing and SEO success, however, many still struggle when it comes to properly leveraging

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Conversation mapping: The new rules to win in search and content marketing

Almost two-thirds of marketers now admit that digital content strategy powers their entire digital plan and yet the majority of those that use it struggle to create a mix of content ‘good enough’ to win. That is the main finding from the second annual State of Content Marketing Survey, an annual temperature check of the

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Four tools to better structure your article for SEO and usability

Writing a good article is not enough for search visibility and good user engagement. What really matters is how well you structure it in order to optimize it well and give clear answers to users’ questions. Here are four factors to consider when creating effectively structured content, and tools to use for each. 1. How

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How (and Why) to Create an Effective Content Structure for Better Ranking

One of the increasingly important components of high-quality, high-ranking content is its structure. What is content structure? Although different marketers may understand it somewhat differently, the basic definition of content structure is: Content structure is the meaningful use of HTML headings that break your single content asset into sections and subsections allowing for easier reading,

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How did the 2018 SERP changes impact organic search?

Search industry has seen its share of updates over the years. The folks that have been in the industry long enough know Google introduces multiple changes in its search algorithm yearly. These changes range from being minor to major changes. Panda, for instance, affected the search engine result page (SERP) in substantial ways. When such

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Voice search optimization guide: Six steps for 2019

Have you ever tried to search for some data online when you were multitasking and couldn’t type the text? It would be quite challenging without the opportunity to conduct voice search. According to PWC report, 71% of respondents would rather use their voice assistant to search for something than physically typing their queries. And what’s

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Content marketing for Google SERPs in 2019

Adhering to the whims and fancies of Google’s unpredictable nature can be a tasking ordeal for content creators around the world. What once seemed like a harmonious relationship, the bond between consumers and producers of content has become somewhat volatile, asking marketeers to be agile in their approach to content. As click-through rates and organic

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Why Wikipedia is still visible across Google’s SERPs in 2018

Google is always evolving. But some things in the world of search never change. One such thing is the presence of Wikipedia across the Google SERPs. From queries about products and brands to celebrities and topical events, Wikipedia still features heavily across Google searches – even while our habits as search engine users change (with

Why Wikipedia is still visible across Google’s SERPs in 2018 Read More »

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