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Here’s a script to fight duplicated ads

You know those nightmares where your reflection comes out of the mirror and steals your life? Just me? Well, anyway, this is like that — but in AdWords. Sometimes you make a mistake with AdWords Editor, but instead of changing the existing ad, you create a new one. Or you’re overzealous in converting your old […]

Here’s a script to fight duplicated ads Read More »

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Google Unveils PAIR Initiative to Improve Relationship Between Humans and AI

Google announced Monday a new initiative geared towards improving the relationship between humans and artificial intelligence (AI). The project, called People + AI Research (PAIR), will see Google researchers analyze the way humans interact with AI and the pieces of software it powers. The team, to be led by Google Brain researchers and data visualization

Google Unveils PAIR Initiative to Improve Relationship Between Humans and AI Read More »

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Lessons from Japanese Business Culture

Want to improve the way you do business in the U.S.? Learn from the Japanese. I recently traveled to Japan on business and pleasure. Anticipating several meetings and events, I began to familiarize myself with local customs and of course, Japanese business etiquette. While you may already know that politeness and respect are cornerstones of

Lessons from Japanese Business Culture Read More »

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Why Retargeting Is Absolutely Essential for any Marketing Funnel

NOW UPDATED! This post was updated in July 2017 with new information about retargeting your prospects. Enjoy! Let’s talk about why you should be retargeting. But first off… What Is Retargeting? Have you ever visited a website and then later you start seeing banners for that website following you around all over the web? That’s remarketing — or

Why Retargeting Is Absolutely Essential for any Marketing Funnel Read More »

SG How Google Has Been Addressing Brand Safety Concerns on YouTube

How Google Has Been Addressing Brand Safety Concerns on YouTube

Back in mid-March, The Guardian withdrew “all its online advertising from Google and YouTube after it emerged that its ads were being inadvertently placed next to extremist material.” Shortly after, more UK brands followed and stopped their ads running on various Google platforms. This was not the first time that these concerns were voiced. For years now, advertisers

How Google Has Been Addressing Brand Safety Concerns on YouTube Read More »

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This script automates adding any AdWords data to a Google spreadsheet

If you’ve ever been frustrated at the amount of time you spend creating PPC reports, you’re not alone. Today, I’ll do my best to help you with a new AdWords script I just finished. The severity of the reporting problem became very clear to me at a conference I recently attended. Attendees were asked to leave sticky notes describing the

This script automates adding any AdWords data to a Google spreadsheet Read More »

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5 Powerful Tips to Optimize for Google’s Featured Snippets

Marketers have known for years that getting featured on the first page of Google is like striking gold. When it happens, you’ve finally made it. The floodgates open and traffic begins to flow like never before. And, when multiple pages of content are featured for their variety of search terms, it can transform your business.

5 Powerful Tips to Optimize for Google’s Featured Snippets Read More »

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