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5 Digital Marketing Strategies Small Businesses Can Learn from Political Campaigns

By Ata Khan Election season is in full swing and with that comes a barrage of marketing methods that inundate the average American. While the top runners in the race have larger budgets, their marketing strategies actually are something that small businesses can learn from. If candidates can use these techniques to win entire presidential […]

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Nine Google Ads hacks to improve your CTR and conversion rate

Advertising is the big gun of paid efforts brands put in to increase awareness and revenue. Be it small businesses or large enterprises, everyone has a shot at advertising.   With global ad spend reaching an estimated $579 billion at the end of 2018 and online advertising leading the charts, we need to pay attention to

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Five ways blockchain will impact search marketing

Few technologies promise to have an impact on the marketplace as tremendous as the blockchain technology. Though many professionals in the search marketing industry are still entirely unfamiliar with it. Blockchain’s disruptive nature is changing the nature of digital advertising regardless of whether some professionals hear about it or not, however, meaning it’s imperative to

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Tips to lower brand CPC for greater profitability

In the realm of digital marketing, brand ownership means everything. It’s safe to say that nearly all search advertisers see the vast majority of their traffic and revenue come from their branded initiatives. Put simply, branded (search engine marketing) SEM is something advertisers need to fully own and focus on optimizing. With that being said,

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Bing takes over Yahoo ad delivery: Five things to prepare

January saw the announcement of Bing Ads exclusively taking over management for Yahoo and AOL search ads starting in March. Oath had been renamed Verizon Media and Yahoo Gemini had switched to the name “Oath Ad Manager” only recently but Verizon (who agreed to the acquisition of Yahoo Inc. in 2016) are clearly trying to

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12 Best SaaS Marketing Tactics for Business Growth

More and more companies are entering the Software as a Service (SaaS) market, which is defined as: [A] software distribution model in which a third-party provider hosts applications and makes them available to customers over the Internet. SaaS is one of three main categories of cloud computing, alongside infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service

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Six tips for B2B paid search success

Having worked across paid search strategies in all kinds of industries, you get to learn they all have their individual quirks: high CPCs, certain keywords that just don’t work, and other things that just drive you mad. When it comes to B2B and lead generation strategies that are no different, in fact, it’s probably a

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Do Twitter Ads Really Work

UPDATED! This post has been updated for 2018 to help you get the most out of Twitter Ads! As far as marketing topics go, PPC is always a hot topic. This is something that everyone from the solopreneur building a business out of their parent’s spare bedroom to the head of a multinational enterprise wants to

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Marketer’s Guide to Local Business Marketing

Many local businesses worry that as great as the internet has been for society, it is also allowing large companies to consolidate their control of local markets around the world. And while it’s true that without the internet we would not have companies like Amazon, the internet doesn’t have to be a death sentence for

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Marketer’s Guide to Mobile App Advertising

By now, it’s no secret that mobile advertising is taking over with estimated advertising revenue reaching nearly $76 billion this year. In fact, mobile search ad revenue is expected to outpace desktop as soon as 2019 and mobile display ads may already have surpassed their desktop counterparts this year. And that makes sense because while

Marketer’s Guide to Mobile App Advertising Read More »

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